Posted on Mar 14, 2007.

Dubai Mercantile Exchange announces Production Testing for DME Directâ„¢

In preparation for the upcoming launch of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME), and to ensure that all market participants are technologically prepared for the May 01, 2007 launch of the DME, the DME has announced dates for production testing of the DME Direct™ electronic trading platform. These dates will be April 21 & 28, 2007 (New York time). The exact timing of these sessions will be forthcoming.

Elements of this test will include: production connectivity testing, trade/market data flow to the DME Direct™ / NYMEX ClearPort® Trading FIX API, intraday clearing output and the dissemination of market data to external market data vendors.

These sessions will provide interested firms with an opportunity to ensure connectivity of front end trading application, as well as to offer firms the time to practice in a simulated trading environment. It is strongly suggested that market participants make every effort to partake in these exercises.

Please note that a DME Direct™ production connection through an ISV front end is required for these sessions. If you do not know your ISV login, please contact your Clearing Member for assistance.

For Clearing Members and brokers that use NYMEX TMS (Trade Management System), external TMS access will be available for both production tests. In order to see trades in TMS during these exercises, it is imperative that participants are fully registered with DME and NYMEX for trading by Friday, April 20, 2007at 10:00 AM for the first test and by Friday, April, 27, 2007 by 10:00AM for the second test.

For more information on this event or on how to register for trading, please contact Third Party Services at 1-800-275-6215 or Customer Service at 1-800-438-8616 with any questions.

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